Thursday, April 26, 2012

Well, right now I am back in Searcy for a little while. Lubbock time ended about 2 and a half weeks ago. Then I went on a little road trip. Cameron and Franco and I went to Borger (where Cameron lives) for a night. Then we drove to Arkansas and stayed for a week. We did all kinds of crazy stuff. We had a bon-fire. We went to Camp Takodah. We went to Quitman and worked and fished and rode 4-wheelers. Thats just a few things...we stayed really busy. Then we drove back to Borger. We were there a few days and then Cameron and I brought Franco back to Lubbock and then went back to Borger. Katherine and David met us there later on. In Borger we went to the lake one day, we went camping, we set up some stuff for a garage sale, we helped a lady move and some other things. It was lots of amazing fun! This past Monday we said goodbye and Katherine and I drove to her house in Garland, right outside of Dallas. Then Tuesday I drove back to Searcy. This week I am getting ready for my brothers wedding and trying to get some last things set up for moving to Mexico. I am looking for some support and things like that. Its been pretty emotional saying goodbye and stuff like that, but God is so good and so it's been alright. Thank you all for your prayers and support. If you have any questions please let me know!

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