Monday, April 30, 2012

April Newsletter

Emily’s AIM
AIMing in Searcy, Arkansas for now J

Well, April has been quite a month! We started April by ending Challenge week. Our team left Allen, Texas on April 2 and got back to Lubbock that afternoon. That evening was spent welcoming the rest of the class back and then going to see a movie later that night with our little group “the ZW.” That’s the name Katherine, David, Cameron and I made up for ourselves.

The rest of our time in Lubbock, about a week, is called “goodbye week.” So each day was a different kind of goodbye basically. There were times when past teachers would come in and give us their last charge. There was our “Final AIM Chapel.” They showed a slideshow video of our class and prayed over us and gave us a final charge from the SIBI people. There was “Judgment Day” which is where the AIM class puts on skits of the AIM staff and the AIM staff puts on skits of the AIM class. It was amazing!!! Then there is “Final Goodbyes with Staff” where we all sit facing each other and the staff says things to us and we say things to the staff. Then there is the “Final Send-off.” The reveal our class composite picture, they give us packages for the field, they say a few final remarks and we sing and say goodbye. We had our final Sunday and we got to choose where we went to church, so David, Katherine, Xavier and I chose to go back to Denver City one more time!!! It was awesome!
During this final week we also have to pack and clean our apartments. It was pretty crazy! We would clean all day and then hang out all night. It was perfect! Saying goodbye to classmates that we won’t be seeing for a year and a half and getting all the last hangout times in was so awesome!
So we finished Lubbock time. It was kind of bitter-sweet. Then we all set off on different adventures! Some people went straight home. Some people went to raise support. Some people stayed in Lubbock a little longer. Some of us went on trips of our own with each other.
Personally, I started a two week trip with Cameron and Franco. We left as soon as we could after final apartment inspections. Our first night, we drove to Borger, Texas. That is where Cameron is from. We dropped all of our stuff off  and Cameron’s car. The next morning we loaded up my car with just our trip stuff and we headed to Arkansas. We had about a 10 hour drive and it was a blast! We got in a picked up a guitar for Franco so he could play with Cameron and then we went to my house and had dinner with my family.
We had a super eventful week in Arkansas. Franco ended up getting a sinus infection so he was down for a little bit of it and that was sad. We still had a good time though. We went fishing, we rode horses, we working on a barn, we went 4-wheeling, we went to Camp Takodah and swam and canoed and hiked a little, I took them to my high school to see my teachers and things, I showed them the daycare I used to work at, Cameron and I took Tara to her banquet, we had a fire one night and lots of people came, we shot guns, Cameron killed a rabbit and we ate it, we all cooked lunch together on Sunday afternoon, we went hear the Harding Academy Chorus sing at Highway, we had a little bit of chill time where we just watched movies or talked or they played guitar.  It was just a super amazing week! We had so much fun! It was amazing to have them here to share a little bit of my life with them.
Then after a week here we drove back to Borger for a week there! We had another awesome ride through a beautiful storm! We got back to Borger and it was a more chill week than Arkansas. We started out by helping Cameron’s family get ready for a garage sale for him to raise money to go to his field, Bolivia. We helped a lady move one night. We spent an afternoon at a lake. In the middle of the week Cameron and I drove Franco back to Lubbock. He had to get ready to go home to Trinidad. So we dropped him off and then drove back to Borger. Cameron showed me a few things in Borger and then we just chilled at the house and talked with his brothers! Katherine and David got to Borger really late that night. So the next day we all got to hang out again! We basically just hung out and got ready for our camping trip that night.
So the 4 of us andColton, Cameron’s little brother, packed up the truck and went camping! We had a tent and food and a guitar and we headed out. It was lots of fun! We set up our tent and then went hiking. We got the fire started and cooked dinner. We basically just talked, looked at the stars and had tons of fun! It was awesome!
Then next day we went back to the house and got cleaned up. Then Cameron, Colton and I drove to Amarillo to meet their family to celebrate their Dad’s birthday. It was so fun! Later that night I went with Cameron and his brother Josh to play tennis! That was super fun as well!
Then on Sunday we had church and we played volleyball that night with some people from the church. It was also our last night to all hang out together until after the field. So just the 4 of us went driving and Cameron and David took us to a few places that they used to go. It was so fun. Then we went out on the golf course and looked at stars and talked! It was bitter-sweet, but mostly amazing! They are my best friends!
Then on Monday morning we got up and packed up and said good-bye to each other. It was kind of sad but we know that as long as it is God’s will we will be together again someday! Just the 4 of us being crazy again!
I drove to Garland that night to stay the night at Katherine’s house and then I drove back to Arkansas the next day.
It was crazy when I got back because it was the week of my brother’s wedding. We had family here and more coming. We were getting ready to host the rehearsal dinner. It was crazy, but fun! It was great to get to see all my family before I leave for the field!
That’s basically all. Now I am just trying to raise the rest of my money to go to Guadalajara. It’s getting really close to time to go. I am so excited! I am still in need of some one-time funds though. If you would like to help me out by making a donation then please make checks out to Highway Church of Christ and mark that it is for me and send it to…
 Highway Church of Christ
128 Highway Church Ln 
Judsonia, AR 72081.

Prayers are much appreciated as well as our team gets ready to go on May 19th. Thank you all for your support! I seriously can’t thank you enough!

Love EmilyRose.
Contact Info:
Facebook: Emily Rose Hale
Phone: 501-230-7353

Riding out the sunroof :)

Spent the day at the Lake

Ready for our trip!

Last picture together...for now :)

We shaved Xavier's head on the last day....


Last time at Denver City!

Skinning the rabbit :)

Last night with the ZW in Borger

We took Tara to her banquet

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