Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Back in Lubbock.

Well, i'm back in Lubbock! It was kinda bittersweet to be back. I miss home, but I miss my AIM family too!

I had a great week at home! Surprising people was awesome! Then I went to Highway for church on Sunday and got to see A LOT of people! That was so awesome! I miss them all so much! Most of the week I just spent visiting people. On Monday we dropped Beatriz off in Paragould to spend the week with her ex-AIMer friend. Then I went around visiting all the people I know there with my cousin, Laura, and Bianca. That was awesome!
I went to see "Breaking Dawn" with Patty and Cindy and Bianca! That was fun! I babysat Greg and Patty's kids one day for a couple hours. Bianca and I ate Lunch with Greg one day. I went to Curtis Kindergarten for a little while one day to visit. I spent time at home with my family! I went out to dinner with Chelsea and Sheryll! It was a pretty chill week. We went hunting on the Friday after Thanksgiving! That was awesome!

Thanksgiving day was wonderful too! I got up and got ready. Everybody was running around cooking up a storm. We had lunch at 12ish. I think there ended up being 28 or so people there! It was crazy! But, I got to see a lot of people and some family that I only get to see a couple times a year! Lots of fun!
That's pretty much it. It was so nice to be home and see everyone. The 12 hour drive there and back was definitely worth it!
On the way back Katherine met up with us and drove back with us. We got caught in traffic twice for wrecks. The second time was really bad. It ended up making us late for curfew, but it was a legit reason so we were excused. We ended up finding another way around it or it would have been lots later. Say a little prayer for the people involved in both of the wrecks please!

Anyways, we are just getting ready to finish up this term. It's about 2 1/2 weeks. We also find out our teams and fields in the next couple weeks. It's exciting!

Thank you for all of your support! Love you all!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Home Again!

Well, hello everyone!

I am writing from SEARCY, ARKANSAS!!!!!!! It's so good to be here.

We had mid-terms this last week. It was a pretty crazy, hectic week. We were all getting ready to go home for Thanksgiving break and take mid-terms and things of the sort.

We had 3 mid-terms. They all went pretty well for me! I was so excited to go home all week that I had a hard time focusing, but I got it all done.

I am home now and I am so happy to be here. Bianca, Beatriz and I drove about 12 hours yesterday to get here. We got home about 10 last night. My dad knew I was coming, just in case we had any problems. But I surprised my mom. She said "what are you doing here, my house isn't even clean yet!" lol she's crazy! Kate and Jacob came over and saw me! Tara came home and I surprised her.

Then today I went around surprising a bunch of other people. I have lots of plans this week already. Just hanging out with people. Lots of people want to hear how it's all going in Lubbock at AIM. I am excited to tell everyone about it! On Monday we are taking Beatriz to Paragould. She is going to spend the week with one of her friends there. Bianca will stay here with my family all week. I am so excited!

Anyways, I will probably write again after I get back to Lubbock to tell you about my week here at home.

 Thank you all for your support and prayers! I appreciate it so much.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Catching up!

Well, it's been way too long!
I'm so sorry that I haven't been keeping up with this. It's been so crazy insane here!!

October was absolutely crazy busy! We had 2 trips only a few days apart. Well, we ended our first term on October 6th. It's crazy that we are already in our second term! Whoa! Well, then we went to Paducah, Kentucky. We left and spent a night in Springfield, MO. We ate dinner at Lambert's Cafe! We made it to Paducah the next night. It was a wonderful week! We had a couple classes. We did a few service projects. We had a fashion show. We helped with their annual community fish-fry. We did a flag presentation and had lots of fun! I was in a group of 5 girls that stayed at Carlin and Barbara Cook's house! It was so great! They are wonderful people! We got to know them pretty well. I set the fire alarm off 5 times I think. It was interesting. Carlin has a 1958 Ford Fairlane that he took us for rides in. All in all it was such a wonderful trip to get to serve people, spend time with people and have lots of fun!
On the way home from Paducah we stopped in Sheridan, AR for a night. My mom and my sisters came to see me while we were there! It was SOOO good to see them!

When we returned to Lubbock after our trip we started our second term. We only had classes for two days and then we left for the Global Missions Conference in Fort Worth, TX. It was also a wonderful trip! We got to attend some really great classes. We heard quite a few keynote speakers. We sang and had a huge flag presentation. I got to see Benny and Donna! I also got to see Ashli and Mark who I interned in Nicaragua with 2 summers ago. Mark brought Joshua, his little brother, who I got to meet this past summer while I was in Nicaragua! It was sooooooo great to see them all and catch up a little bit! Well, the whole conference went really well. Bianca and I stayed at a house together! The family has a daughter who went through AIM and is now married and her husband is the preacher at one of our area churches. So that was fun! That's about all that happened there.

We came back from GMC and got right into the second terms classes! We have great classes this term! We have a Romans class. We have an Acts class. We have a Spiritual Disciplines class and a NT Church class. So far they are wonderful! 

We had trunk-or-treat in Denver City this past weekend and that was so fun! We dressed up like crayons! I think we were pretty stinkin' cute! Then we spent the night there and went to church Sunday. We had a pretty crazy Sunday. Church, Potluck, Homework Time. Well, then after that we were just waiting to go to a party. Well, on our way to the party in the people's driveway....they have long dirt road driveway and there is a pretty sharp turn at one point, well one of our girls cars flipped off of the road. There were 3 girls in the car, but they were all ok. It was pretty scary though. So we didn't stay at the party very long at all. We were all just tired and in shock so we went home. They had to bring her car back to Lubbock the next day. We just thank God that no one got hurt!

Tonight we actually filled out our lists. It's so crazy how it's already time for this. We all got together at the Powerhouse at Sunset and we sang and prayed and talked. We then filled out our top 5 girls, top 5 guys, top 5 fields and our bottom people and fields. A lot of people were worried, but I feel pretty good about it. I just want God to do what He has planned. I am excited! It's going to be super great!

Well, that's just the main things that have been happening. We are all excited that thanksgiving break is coming up! It's going to be a nice refreshing break from all of the crazy wonderful busy life of AIM! I am so excited to go visit home for a little bit! Then we come back for a couple weeks and right before we go home for Christmas break we find out our teams and fields!

Alright, well...sorry it's been so long. I hope you all have a blessed weekend!
